Once In a Lifetime

Once In a Lifetime en streaming

  • Genre: Foreign
  • Date: 2016-10-21
  • Vote: NR
  • Temps: 1h 45min
  • Directeur: Marie-Castille Mention-Schaar
  • Production : Loma Nasha
  • Pays: France

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Description :

Based on a true story, French high school teacher Anne Gueguen (Ariane Ascaride), is determined to give the best education she can to her underprivileged inner-city pupils. Undaunted by their apathy, Anne tests her multi-cultural classroom with a unique assignment: a national competition commemorating young victims of Nazi concentration camps. The project is initially met with resistance, until a face-to-face encounter with a Holocaust survivor changes the students' attitudes dramatically.

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Once In a Lifetime TRUEFRENCH BDRip / HDRip / HDLIGHT 1080p /BLU-RAY 720p


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