
Kidco en streaming

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Date: 2008-11-04
  • Vote: PG
  • Temps: 1h 44min
  • Directeur: Ronald F. Maxwell
  • Production : 20th Century Fox
  • Pays: United States of America

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Description :

Dickie is an innovative kid on a ranch in Southern California who puts his business talents to use in several successful ventures, assisted and supported by his siblings and other friends. Eventually Dickie and Co. find themselves in charge of the largest pest control and fertilizer service in San Diego County. Life couldn't get any better for the kids, until their adult business competitor decides to take them to court. But when the kids reject a lawyer and defend themselves, the courtroom is suddenly turned upside down!

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Kidco TRUEFRENCH BDRip / HDRip / HDLIGHT 1080p /BLU-RAY 720p


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